C/ART. The art of playing with automobiles

31/01/2025 –  18/05/2025

From Friday 31 January to Sunday 18 May, Museo Nazionale dell’Automobile, in the Project Room, presents the exhibition C/ART. The art of playing with automobiles. The exhibition – created by contemporary artist Robert Kuśmirowski and curated by Guido Costa – consists of an environmental installation in which the artist, by exhibiting toy cars and small cars from several Italian collections and museums, creates an unprecedented dialogue between art and automotive historical memory. The cars on display cover a period from the end of the nineteenth century to the nineties of the twentieth century.


The visitor is welcomed into a deliberately eccentric and messy environment: an excess of incomplete models, worn-out tools and almost forgotten machinery. Old metal nets replace the traditional shelving, evoking the atmosphere of a chaotic workshop of a bizarre collector. The path gradually develops towards the idea of perfect exposure. The objects find order, meaning, and celebrate the transition from childhood to a mature and conscious form of collecting. In this transformation, we are immersed in a reflection on the memory and meaning of the car as an object of worship. From a passionate and compulsive accumulation typical of childhood to an orderly systematization of the collected pieces: the exhibition explores the evolution of the collectors and the emotional value of the specimens they research with dedication.

Robert Kuśmirowski is a contemporary artist born in 1973 in Łódź, Poland. His solo exhibitions have traveled the world, from the Barbican Center in London to the Kunsthalle in Vienna, from the Palais de Tokyo in Paris to the New Museum in New York.


With the contribution of

Under the patronage of

Torino Drive

In occasione della mostra, la Fiat Camaleonte è stata protagonista di Torino Drive, una performance per le strade di Torino. L’artista ha invitato il pubblico a salire a bordo per un breve viaggio – 30 minuti – per riflettere su temi come la migrazione, la memoria, la costruzione di una casa, l’ospitalità e il senso del luogo. Un’esperienza condivisa con l’obiettivo di riconnettere con il territorio e trasformare l’abitacolo in uno spazio di dialogo. 

A distanza di molti anni dal viaggio di ritorno a Orani della 127 di Nivola, Chironi riutilizza lo stesso modello di vettura per un gesto artistico e performativo, in un viaggio fatto di partenze e ritorni, di corrispondenze generazionali, di incontri e visioni immaginarie registrate dal finestrino. Ogni performance è stata aperta a tre passeggeri, che si sono uniti a Chironi e ai diversi copiloti. Ogni passeggero è stato coinvolto in una conversazione che farà luce sull’itinerario intrapreso.

I viaggi sono stati anche occasioni di ascolto di composizioni sonore inedite, nate dalla collaborazione con musicisti e sound designer che hanno scelto di prendere parte al progetto: Francesco Brasini, Alessandro Bosetti, Massimo Carozzi, Daniela Cattivelli, Coro di Radio France, Paolo Fresu, Gavino Murgia, Stefano Pilia, Francesco Serra, Henrik Svedlund, Pietro Russino, Dominique Vaccaro, Sophie Vitelli.

Luci d'artista - Supercar

Cristian Chironi is also the artist to whom the National Automobile Museum has commissioned the new Luce d’Artista, which will become part of the public collection of the City of Turin.

Supercar is the title of this new light installation that combines light, architecture, cars, science fiction, customisation, movement and collective imagination.

The artist has intervened on the façade of the building in Corso Unità d’Italia, imagined as the front of a car: the windows overlooking the balcony house a light scanner that moves along a horizontal line, bringing the architecture into a new space-time context. Cristian Chironi works on the light sign to transform the architecture of the Museum into a concept that is the result of a dialogue – always central to his artistic research – between reality and fiction, memory and the contemporary, past and present.

A work with different levels of interpretation and explicit references to popular culture and collective memory that leaves room for the relationship with the more contemporary concept of the ‘supercar’, or theautomobile sapiens capable of interacting with the user and the context, processing information, learning and acting autonomously according to ways and criteria similar to those of human beings.

Public Program

Talks, screenings and opportunities for discussion as a corollary to the temporary exhibitions.

A look at the modernity and functionality of Fiat production through its design

Wednesday, December 4th h.18:30 - MAUTO Dome

Talk / 125times FIAT #1

In dialogue

Roberto Giolito / designer for Fiat since 1989, today Head of Heritage Stellantis Italia

Cristina Voto / professor of philosophy and theory of language, University of Turin


Giuliano Sergio.

Couldn’t attend? The video of the meeting is available here.

125 Years of the Future: Fiat Through Its Key Figures from the Seventies to the 2000s Wednesday,

Wednesday, March 5th, at 6:30 PM – Piazza

Mauro Coppini – Journalist, former head of Fiat’s press office
Angelo Pichierri – Professor of Industrial Sociology, University of Turin

Giuliano Sergio – Curator

Free admission by reservation.

The event will be preceded by a special guided tour of the exhibition with the curator, offering an opportunity to revisit the history of Turin and to reflect on production systems and the impact of Italy’s automobile manufacturing on both society and the city over these 125 years.

Fiat in the cinema

Thursday, March 20th, 18.30, Mauto Dome

A Talk dedicated to the representation of Fiat in cinema, between history, imagination and visual culture.

In dialogue
Maurizio Cilli / architect and artist
Silvio Alovisio / professor of cinema and audiovisual communication, Università di Torino
Giuliano Sergio / curator of the exhibition

The Talk is preceded by a guided tour with the curator and is followed by an aperitif.
Admission free on reservation.
Info and booking HERE.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Lingotto. The different phases (and lives) of an industrial architecture

Thursday 3 April h18.30

In dialogue

Benedetto Camerana / MAUTO President
Manuel Orazi / Architectural historian and lecturer at Università della Svizzera italiana
Giuseppe Di Giuda / Vice-Rector for digitalisation, planning, development and valorisation of the built heritage,Università di Torino

Giuliano Sergio

The Public Program completes the MAUTO cultural schedule and broadens the discussion on the subject of cars and mobility. A program that explores different languages and transversal approaches, opening up to a contemporary and transmedia discussion.
STORIES, VISIONS, SOUNDS. A  calendar of meetings that alternates between conversations, editorial presentations, projections, musical and performance events: stories that embrace art, design, literature and current affairs; visual explorations ranging from auteur films to artist videos and documentaries; sound proposals that move between musical genres, with authors and performers, ensembles and soloists.

Some of the scheduled meetings – all free and upon reservation – develop from the themes addressed by the temporary exhibitions and research activities of the Museum’s Conservation and Restoration Centre and Documentation Centre.



The Ensemble of the Centro di Formazione Musicale of Turin presents a musical journey from Johann Pachelbel, Antonio Vivaldi, and Johann Sebastian Bach to Lamberto Curtoni and Astor Piazzolla.

Ensemble CFM
Students and teachers of the Music Training Courses
Silvio Bresso, violin
Silvia Cucchi, piano
Massimo Bairo, violin and conductor

Johann Pachelbel / Canon in D Major
Antonio Vivaldi / Concerto in G Major “Alla rustica,” RV 151
Johann Sebastian Bach / “Air on the G String” BWV 1068
Karl Jenkins / Palladio
Lamberto Curtoni / Nights over the Ancient Theme of “la Mantovana”
Astor Piazzolla / Libertango

Advance booking required. Free entry until seats are filled.
Info and tickets HERE

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