Educational activities

The Museo Nazionale dell’Automobile proposes a new program of educational activities dedicated to schools of all levels, families and the general public to spread automobile culture – from its origins to the mobility of the future – stimulating a reflection on the evolution of our society and the challenges to come. The primary objective is heritage education as an opportunity to meet and activate processes of participation, active citizenship and social inclusion.


In addition to laboratory activities, traditional guided tours and interactive guided tours are available which offer micro in-depth activities along the exhibition itinerary. Each itinerary will be structured with particular attention to the study topics and further personalized at the request of teachers and visitor groups. Find out how to enrich your school curriculum with a unique educational experience at Museo Nazionale dell’Automobile.

Students reduction 3€

For classes coming to the Museum without doing activities or guided tours. Teachers accompanying classes enter free of charge.

The mission of the Museum is to promote the study of the history of the automobile and other means of transport, to enhance the collection and materials of the Documentation Center and distribute knowledge. Through educational activities and the approach of younger generations to heritage, the aim is to improve cognitive, experiential and emotional processes, stimulating in young people the development of a critical conscience and the understanding of their own identity through culture.

The program includes guided tours of the permanent collection, temporary exhibitions, and the Open Garage, home to the Restoration Centre and the subject of special guided tours, both of which are focused on the conservation and restoration of the cars. All guided tours are also available in languages other than Italian.

Kindergarten, Primary and Middle School

For kindergartens and primary schools, MAUTO, in collaboration with Arteco and Budding Learning Solutions, offers an interactive guided tour along the exhibition path with a final and collective return to the FUN-ZONE area located on the first floor of the Museum.

Mediators accompany children as they discover the collection: from the history of the vehicle and its evolution through stories and travel diaries, to the study of forms, movement and design, underlining the links between city and world history.

Educational activities are also supported by tactile elements and are dedicated to the active and physical involvement of children, guiding them through reflections that stimulate critical thinking and facilitate a careful look at contemporary society.


From the coach to the car of the future (3-10 years old)

Cars, car parks, roads and urban spaces are at the heart of this activity. The visit traces the history of the automobile through the impact it has had on daily life and the appearance of the city.

Children will have the opportunity to observe, compare and comment on historical images of Turin, dating from the nineteenth century to the present day, and learn how the relationship between streets, squares, vehicles and aspects of mobility has changed in the last two centuries. Pollution, noise, and the needs and requirements of citizens and tourists will also be topics to discuss.

At the end of the visit, the extended prototype of a city of the future is created as part of a group activity, taking into account that which has emerged during the previous dialogue. Visitors will also work on the ground, using objects and recycling materials derived from industrial waste: simple forms of paper, rubber, plastic, and fabric.


(IVA exempted)


Today I invent (3-10 years old)

Participatory visits and workshop activities focus on the various parts that make up a vehicle, starting with the collection’s inclusion of the prototype of a self-propelled wagon designed by Leonardo da Vinci. We use play to consider design work and assembly, taking inspiration from figures such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Le Corbusier, Bruno Munari and Flaminio Bertoni. We observe how the shapes of the vehicles change and what they remind us of.

As birds were the basis of the projects of Da Vinci’s flying machines, and as the shark inspired the line of the famous Citroën DS 19, children will also design – working in pairs – an imaginary vehicle that possesses the characteristics of an animal.


(IVA exempted)


Cars as an Inspiration (3-10 years old)

The theme is the relationship between art and the automobile, from the historical avant-garde to the contemporary works.

Along the way, you will encounter different artistic languages that use the car as a subject matter or as an element of inspiration. Several images are observed, commented and acted out.

Taking inspiration from the work “Flaga” by Simon Starling, we will consider the theme of a trip.  Through cutouts, colours and written work we will imagine what objects fill the trunk when we return from a trip we would like to make, composing a simple mapping of the destinations and objects chosen by the students.


(IVA exempted)


Digital Itineraries (6-10 years old)

Milo is a WeDo 2.0 Lego brick rover that can move independently: an all-in-one opportunity to enjoy the practical experience of programming, electronics and robotics. After a visit to the Museum’s collection, children will enjoy programming the rover along varying routes, disassembling it and reassembling it without limits to the imagination.


(IVA inclded)


building Cities (6-10 years old)

Through a visit to the first floor of the Museum and the temporary exhibition “125 times FIAT”, students are involved in a laboratory activity that allows them to use their imagination and consider the transformations of industrial production in the factory, their impact on history, society and the shape of the city and the surrounding territory.


(IVA included)

Secondary School

For first and second grade secondary schools, guided laboratory tours and laboratory activities continue on to provide a complete STEAM experience and an opportunity to discuss mechanics and physics, coding and electronics, the Internet of vehicles, the safety of autonomous and non-autonomous vehicles, environmental sustainability, and the mobility of the future.


Electric Car (11-18 years old)

How does an electric car work? Let’s start with the construction of a Volta pile to understand the physical and chemical phenomena of the electric motor and the rechargeable battery. An interactive activity allows us to reflect on the energy advantages and disadvantages of electric cars and on future scenarios.


(IVA exempted)


Hydrogen Car (11-18 years old)

A struggle is underway between hydrogen and electricity to understand if and how we should replace internal combustion engines. Starting from the cars in the collection, through the analysis of the chemical characteristics of hydrogen and the operation of fuel cells, we will discover the possible developments of the challenge to become the vehicle with the lowest environmental impact of our future.


(IVA exempted)


Autonomous Driving (11-18 years old)

Self-driving cars are now a reality, as evidenced by the most technological active safety systems. After visiting the collection, an MBot, a robot capable of moving autonomously, will be programmed to discover the characteristics that a vehicle must have to perceive space, process information and interact in a given environment.


(IVA included)


Safety Physics

This activity includes an interactive visit to the section of the museum dedicated to car safety, where students can explore the various technologies and solutions adopted over time to make driving safer, understanding the importance of accident prevention also through some crash experiments. Afterwards, participants will immerse themselves in an exciting hands-on programming activity: using programmable robots, students will have the opportunity to experience first-hand the basic principles of self-driving cars, learning how sensors, algorithms and artificial intelligence collaborate to create autonomous vehicles capable of safely navigating real traffic.


(IVA included)


Roaring Engines (11-18 years old)

From the beginning, the internal combustion engine has been the beating heart of cars, pushing them at incredible speeds and fuelling the fantasies of children and adults with its characteristic sound. In this activity, utilising the direct discovery of the motors exhibited in the Museum, students will understand the principles of operation of a heat engine, experiencing first-hand how energy can be transformed to meet our needs.


(IVA exempted)


Il Futuro in discussione (14-18 anni)

Un’attività di simulazione specificatamente dedicata agli studenti delle scuole secondarie che potranno interpretare i diversi attori coinvolti nel complicato equilibrio contemporaneo e internazionale legato ai temi della sostenibilità, della tutela dell’ambiente e della lotta al cambiamento climatico.


(esente IVA)


Design in cerca di autore (11-14 anni)

Dopo una visita alla sezione dedicata al design della nostra collezione, attraverso strumenti grafici e di produzione digitale a misura di bambino, si sperimentano design e creatività dando forma concreta alle idee. Con l’ausilio di programmi di modellazione 3D si prova a comprendere il complesso passaggio dalle idee a forme concrete dando spazio alla creatività.


(IVA inclusa)


Fabbricare città (11-14 anni)

Attraverso la visita al primo piano del Museo e alla mostra temporanea 125 volte FIAT, gli studenti sono coinvolti in un’attività laboratoriale che permette loro di ragionare, dando spazio all’immaginazione, sulle trasformazioni della produzione industriale in fabbrica, sul loro impatto sulla storia, sulla società e sulla forma della città e del territorio circostante.


(esente IVA)

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